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Sept. 7 2021
Many jokes about Carhartt gear can be found throughout social media. What was once an outfitter solely for those performing manual labor is now on trend for the masses to wear
Sept. 3 2021
While I was working on chores in our robot barn the other morning, I watched as the sun began to wake up, slowly transforming the sky from a star-speckled deep denim blue to a magnificent display
Aug. 10 2021
Just getting by during the pandemic can only be our mindset for so long
July 23 2021
With a small, four person staff strictly made up of family, formal business meetings are replaced by spontaneous planning sessions in passing, at the dinner table, or while working cattle on our dairy...
July 16 2021
As the country continues to reopen following COVID-19, I’ve had the opportunity to again visit with farmers through one-on-one conversations, meetings, and public events featuring farmers
July 15 2021
The topic of responsible and sustainable animal agriculture has received a lot of attention in recent years, but these concepts are nothing new to the American farmer
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July 13 2021
The issues we can tackle as dairy advocates are numerous
June 11 2021
Small jobs on the farm can create big learning opportunities for children
June 3 2021
Perhaps you are a person who works full time at another job but dreams of owning a small farm someday. Or maybe you already operate a farm but want to add another enterprise or start a side busi
June 1 2021
Dairy farmers and the industry support one another with their shared passion and dedication
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May 19 2021
I am not an easy person to work with, and I’ve never said or thought otherwise. When it comes to my cows, I am fierce
May 12 2021
In my current position as a veterinarian working for a dairy cooperative, I often get questions from the general public during farm tours or through social media and our consumer hotline
May 7 2021
I’ve been struggling with my impending college graduation, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. The last year has been hard on all of us
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May 5 2021
Every romantic comedy ever proves just how easy it is to find your true love
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May 4 2021
I’ve been reading the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. She defines grit as passion and perseverance for long-term goals
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April 26 2021
Many of us who grew up on a farm or raised kids on a farm often say that it’s one of the best childhoods there is
Field Top
April 22 2021
This has been a disappointing week in my little corner of the world
Molly Blog Lizzie
April 16 2021
When I was 8 years old, a tiny, premature calf was born that I absolutely fell in love with. Her body was somewhat average in size, but her legs were short and stubby
April 15 2021
Many aspects of our dairy and ways of thinking have changed here at Hillcrest Farms since moving to a robotic milking system. The work is less physical and more mental
April 6 2021
My parents sold their milking cows a few weeks ago. It was actually just a few days before my family was headed to visit them for spring break